Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Dear friends ! I am posting this advertisement ( see BELOW ) which I received a few months back  on my email address. BE WARE AND CONFIRM WHETHER THIS IS A GENUINE ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE TRYING THIS. THANKS.

Sudbury Sudbury Suffolk CO10 2PG
UNITED KINGDOM-LON mailto:sudhanshu.kumar.58958343@facebook.comhttp://in.linkedin.com/pub/sudhanshu-kumar/38/6a0/469/DON [BR ]


Fax: 00447010059037

                                                               E-mail: cricketworldcup2013uk@zbavitu.net

Claim Agent: Dr Mark
Tele Phone/Fax Number:



Contact Claim Agent.


This correspondence officially confirms that we are in receipt of your e-mail regarding the claim of your award winning prize value of Five hundred thousand pounds {£500,000}.Won in just concluded ICC WORLD CUP PROMOTIONS.

The board of trustee of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET COUNCIL collects 900,000 email addresses from all the email network services in all over Asian and Europe countries and over twenty million email addresses participated in this award promotion and seven persons from seven different countries were selected to benefit from this ICC WORLD CUP PROMOTIONS and you are one of the Selected (WINNER)
You are to fill and submit the Verification form below, the mode in which you want to receive your winning amount, for us to verify your option and assign your amount to the particular option and this process will not take more than 2 to 5 working days to enable you receive your winning amount without much delay

Full Name: ............................................
Full Address: .........................................
Nationality: .............................................
Mobile Number: ....................................
Work Telephone: ...................................
E-mail address: ......................................

Date of birth: .........................................

Sex: .........................................................
Marital Status: .......................................
Occupation: ...........................................


Payment option/preferred mode of payment.
1. Courier Delivery
2.Bank Telegraphic Wire Transfer

In this method of courier service means, the courier company will be coming to your residence address to handover your winning amount to you through a diplomatic agent.
Receiver Name: ............................................
Address: .......................................................
Nationality: ....................................................
Postal Code: .................................................
City: ..............................................................
State/Province: .............................................
Country: ......................................................
Mobile Number: ................................

In this method of transfer, your Demand Draft will be delivered to you and will be converted into cash payment and transfer to your account via RESERVE BANK OF INDIA. Through the help of the diplomatic agent/immunity
Bank Code: ...............................................
Bank Name: ..............................................
Bank Address: ...........................................
Bank Account: ...........................................
Account Holder: .........................................
Winning Amount: .......................................

I hope my application will be favorable granted by your reputable office.
Note: Any unclaimed prize will be returned to the treasury of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET COUNCIL. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not to share it with any individual or firm to avoid confiscation or double claims of winning prize.
Thanks & Regards




Promo - Manager

Note: Any unclaimed prize will be returned to the treasury of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET COUNCIL. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not share it with any individual or firm to avoid confiscation of your prize.

©"COPYRIGHT 2013 ICC ONLINE EMAIL PROMOTION ALL RIGHT RESERVED"* * * * * * D I S C L A I M E R * * this message is confidential and intended for the named addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by E-Mail return and then delete this message from your system. You should not copy or use it or disclose its contents to any other person. If any part of this message is illegible or if you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please contact the sender. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message without further investigation.