Wednesday, 14 August 2013

We celebrate once again our freedom on the 15th of August, 1947. We celebrate it as a festival every year with much fanfare, hoist the flags wherever we like and bring ‘jalebis’ for us and for our children to eat and enjoy since we got Independence in 1947. I would not like to discuss anything which takes a lot of analysis and scholastic discussion about the day and how it came in our life, with what and how much struggle and sacrifice involved. I presume everybody knows the history and if not must know it because knowing the history makes your future better and safe.  The pertinent point is whether we have been able to keep the sanctity and dignity of the freedom of this country, whether we have been able to teach our children the meaning of this National Festival whom we have entrusted a lot of work in their lives including getting a qualification of any kind to earn their bread and butter. No doubt it is their basic concern but knowing the history and sacrifice behind our National Flag seems equally important. China got freedom   one year later and has become a far more powerful and developed Nation than us with a much bigger population than ours. We still lack in infrastructure. There may be many reasons. It is also not necessary to go into so many details. But at the same time it is worth mentioning that only eating Jalebis , hoisting flags and listening to patriotic songs is not going to justify the freedom and meaning of our Independence. We will have to resolve something like this and as under-   
1- We will be an inherent and inborn national rather than having nationalism imposed on us.
2- We will not throw tri- color made of paper on the ground or anywhere in the street. It is an insult to National Flag.
3- We will take the hoisting of flag in the right spirit and not as a simple or ritualistic ceremony to forget it from next day onwards.  
4- We will go for a free and fare poll without caste and religious consideration. We will vote only for a development oriented polity. 
5- We will give education to all children – female or male. We would not make any discrimination. We will not indulge in gender test of a child in mother’s womb. 
6- We will strive for a trade balance with other countries for a good economy.
7- We will import the things according to requirement such as petroleum etc. for which we have to give a lot of currency to petroleum   producing countries adversely affecting our foreign exchange reserve.  
8- We will evolve a system of social audit for all government schemes and  projects .  - We will evolve a public transport system to reduce carbon from environment and to keep country pollution free and to keep a convenient temperature to live in. 
10- We will have all our commercial establishments registered with Income Tax Department to give little of what we earn every year. 
11 – We will respect all without compromising self respect and Nationality, make our Nation so much strong that nobody could play down with our sovereignty. 
12- We will vote without fail for a good governance. We will get Election ID Card on our own as soon as we become 18 years of age.  
13 – We will keep our rivers and land pollution free and resort to green economy avoiding use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the crops.
14-We will connect all land to water bodies for maximum employment generation and resort to industries based on agricultural products since India is a country essentially of farmers.
15- We will reign in black money and bring it back from foreign banks.
16- We will see to it that nobody dies without food.  
                                                    Greets you all on this DAY OF INDEPENDENCE.                                                          Sudhanshu Kumar | Date 15.08.2013

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