Saturday, 1 March 2014

                                 FREEDOM  FROM  CORRUPTION

As a citizen of this country we are bound by an ethics of development first and foremost, anything else comes later. The development is the root of solution to most of human problems. It brings out human beings irrespective of their caste,  creed & color from their age old mental blocks working as a cemented mental shell where they wish to lie dormant and maintain status quo believing everything is destined and nothing better can happen in life. It brings out human beings from their age old mental complexes wherein they believe that what they are living with the passage of time is their ultimate reality. The reason they have never tasted the fruit of success, they have never tasted the outcome of development – whether this development is economic, social, spiritual, mental or overall.

The economic development is the crux around which all kinds of development revolve. Liberation from age old bond of all kinds results for better upbringing of men throughout their life. It also helps them fight out corruption because the moment they are economically empowered they prefer not to bow down before   the wrong practices of society. An empty stomach or a poor man cannot fight or sustain his fight of corruption for a long time.  
It is imperative so far as I think that to fight corruption it is necessary to grow economically empowered, limit our desires as well. For doing all this we have to be stable and not flicker minded, we have to choose a system which can sustain and eliminate corruption by way of filtering it and weeding it out within the system itself - with an administration embedded with technology in modern world politics. 

Any politician who creates a frenzy or sensation overnight among aam aadmi or  common people does so for his own gain or personal ambition. This cannot sustain in long run. He or they cannot befool people because they now represent a mature democracy. Votes one cast in the name of frenzy cannot be taken back. We should not relish in over excitement and we cannot believe in destruction of our precious votes. Our perception as citizens of this country should be clear.  The competitive politics like competitive business will address all real issues in the country in coming days. The days of monopoly are gone .This will breed a better future for polity of this country.    


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